Lake Michign Salmon Fishing
Captains Moto "If it's not fun were not going!"
The adventure with Captain Mike and his first mate (and you want to book a boat with a first mate) is a trip we hope you call the best day of your summer. Nothing held back on tackle and boat maintenence. Salmon fishing in Lake Michigan is some of the most exciting fishing ever! These fish rip line, sometimes jump 5 feet off the water, and give the customer a challange. But do not worry. We perform training on the way out for the unexperienced. And will be right there with you all the way until the fish is in the boat. Youngsters love Captain Mike and we love children. It's all about you!
Sometimes Salmon are not in the area and we target Steelhead or Lake Trout to keep you on fish. We will discuss this with you ahead of time. We will travel 20 plus miles if needed to put us on fish. If the weather is bad or the fishing is poor we will always try to reschedule or cancel because "If it's not fun were not going!!"
Our rates are one set price $800 for a 6 hour trip dock to dock at either the morning or the afternoon. And don't forget to ask about lodging if you need it. We usually leave about an hour before daylight on the morning trips and usually at 3:30 in the afternoon.
The 34 Pursuit has a head (rest room).
The boat is inspected and we are member of the Michigan Charterboat Association.
We clean your catch for you your way. Bring a cooler to take home your fish. No hard liquor allowed.
You will need a fishing license if you are 17 or older. You can get one on line by following this link
Feel free to talk to Captain Mike with any other questions you have at 8103480886.